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If you think you can sing...You Can!

If you’re the kind of person who sings in the shower, sings in the car, sings to yourself . . . but wouldn’t dream of singing in public . . . well, fear no more!  You can sing with us!


Made music before?  You’re gonna love singing with us!


Maybe you’ve sung in these places . . .

  • Karaoke

  • Church Choir

  • School Chorus

  • Stage Plays and Musicals

  • Band, Rock Group, Folk Group

  • In the car, in the shower


Now you can sing every week!  There are singers waiting to help you share the fun of neighbors singing in harmony.


Never sung before?  It’s time you tried it!  The more you sing, the more you’ll want to sing . . . and the better you’ll get! Check us out!








Five Great Reasons to Join Us!

You'll get to:

  1. Sing your heart out.

  2. Sharpen your singing skills.

  3. Establish lasting friendships.

  4. Enrich lives – yours and others.

  5. Have some fun!

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